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landscape malam

landscape malam

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Cuci film hitam putih menggunakan SUPER BROM developer kertas.

6 roll BW film that I have not develop, yap I think that's pretty much. thats film has not been washed since last year. I can't imagine how result will. haha

to develop my BW film I usually use micro MF developer but now micro MF developer price too expensive. super brom can be an alternative and I use that. I use super brom for paper not for negative film, the result more grainy but after trying, the result finer than micro MF I think.
ok, now I describe the process.

the liquid developer:

1. make liquid developer mix. super brom 1:4, super brom have 2 packet.
for small packet to mix in 1 liter of water, for big packet to mix in 3 liter of water after that mix small packet and big packet. all developer liquid is 4 liter of water.

2. make stop bath liquid. mix 3 tablespoons in 1 liter of water.

3. make fixer liquid. to make fixer liquid I use acifix. mix acifix packet in 1 liter of water.

process :

1. insert tap wat
er into developer tank. It aims to wet the film. then remove the water

2. insert the ligui
d developer (super brom) into developer tank. then do the first agitation for 1 minute, after that agitation for 10 secondsat at each subsequent minute. do that process for 11 minutes. after that remove the liquid developer.

3. insert tap water into developer tank. rinse with water until 3 times.

4. insert stop bath liquid. do first agitation for 1 minute then agitation 10 second at each subsequent minute. do this process for 3 minute after that remove the liquid.

5. insert the fixer liquid. do first agitation for 1 minute then agitation 10 second at each subsequent minute. do this process for 6 minute after that remove the liquid.

6. insert the water and rinse the film about 5 times. add sopa dish for rinsing film (optional). afeter that remove the water

7. remove the film from developer tank and dry the film. now you can scan or print the film.

this one example from above process.

"rod tip" use FUJICA ST 701 and helios 44M-6 lenses. lucky BW film. f2, 1/500s.

"rod tip part II" use FUJICA ST 701 and helios 44M-6 lenses. lucky BW film. f4, 1/250s.

"vein trunk" use FUJICA ST 701 and helios 44M-6 lenses. lucky BW film. f2, 1/500s.

"old leaves" use FUJICA ST 701 and helios 44M-6 lenses. lucky BW film. f2, 1/500s.

"young leaves" use FUJICA ST 701 and helios 44M-6 lenses. lucky BW film. f2, 1/500s.

I think "super brom developer for paper" good enough for devolop negatif BW film. to void grainy, you can modify the liquid developer. to ask for couple question you can send private message to my facebook acccount :)

2 komentar:

  1. besok ke gembong ahh nyuci bewe,terkena racun oleh postinganmu yg ini..heuheu

  2. ngapaen bang? cuci sendiri aje bang.
